Is the monotony getting to your workforce? Looking to ignite that spark? Let nature invigorate your most important resource – your people. And let photography inspire them to broaden their perspective.
We know only too well the pressures of today’s corporate workforce. And we know exactly how we can help. Photography – a stress buster like no other. Nature – the greatest teacher of all. Combined to give an unbeatable wilderness experience that relaxes, rejuvenates and revs you up to take on greater challenges. Get in touch with us to plan team outings combining photography teaching.
We could also collaborate for short presentations and/or motivational talks during your other periodic events. Scenes from the wild can be a very powerful way to relate to everyday problem solving. And a welcome break from the insipid graphs and pie-charts.
We’d love to tell you more about this. Contact US and we’ll get right back to you.
Corporate Workshops