Sudhir was invited as one of the guest speakers at Adobe MAKE IT, an annual global event held at Sydney, Australia on August 2nd and 3rd 2017. His session was about how technology aids in Wildlife photography. The overall event was attended by more than 2000 people and had an online viewership of more than 50,000 people from the Asia Pacific region.
The event boasted some of the biggest international names in the design and creative imaging industry, and Sudhir was one of two Indians on the panel as speaker.
Sudhir led an enthusiastic group of photographers in a photo walk, where he demonstrated to them how to overcome some of the common challenges of shooting outdoors. He gave them practical tips on how to employ the equipment and its numerous features to one’s advantage. This presentation was extremely well received, so much so that the participants later confessed to Sudhir that they were unaware that their cameras even had so many features and settings!

Sudhir at the event!

The conference room all set for Sudhir’s workshop:

Participants of the photography workshop at the Sydney Zoo.

A view of the Sydney harbour where the event was held: